Gallery & Fans

  • KOOL 'N FIT Spray used by the Dallas Cowboys for warm-up.
  • Matt Cooke Pro Cyclist vom Champion Systems Team.
  • A big fan.
  • Pro Cycling Women Team - mal kurz vor das Rennen mit KOOL 'N FIT Sport Spray sich aufwärmen. We love it!
  • Shangrila Rendon - Die Profi-Ultra-Triathletin und Renate aus USA empfehlen KOOL 'N FIT Spray.
  • Charles Dixon IFBB Professional Bodybuilder.
  • KOOL 'N FIT Expo Booth.
  • Analia Corrales 3rd place Grape Stomp Sprint Triathlon. Proud to use KOOL 'N FIT
  • John Walsh, National Champion Criterium loves KOOL 'N FIT. He is a member of the powerhouse Amgen-UBS Elite Master Team.

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